General terms

Information on our website

The content of our website is only intended as a overview of what products and services Fleetstep offers with current information. We work continuously to have correct information on our websites, but cannot take responsibility for any losses due to incomplete or incorrect information. The information should only be an example of what we offer, but when you order a product or service you will receive detailed information and a binding offer. If we link to any external websites, it is only to make relevant information available. Fleetstep is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Login / user portal

Contact us for a demonstration of our web portal, or order one of our services for extended access.

Ownership and copyright

Fleetstep is responsible for this website and has all intellectual property rights in the content of the websites. Unauthorized use of the information is not permitted.

In case of disagreement about use

Disagreements that should arise as a result of the use of Fleetstep's websites are regulated by Norwegian law with venue in Norway.


Do you have questions or want to contact us? Here is where you will find our contact information.